Sutton ClientBAY-CRM ticket - Can I share a contact?

Sutton ClientBAY-CRM ticket - Can I share a contact?

You are able to share your contacts with select members in ClientBAY if you would like.

To do so just follow these steps: 
  1. Go to
  2. Enter your Sutton email and password
  3. Click "CRM" App
  1. Click on "Contacts" on your left navigation bar

  1. Click Sharing

  1. Your sharing dashboard will open. This shows all the shares that you have for your contacts
  2. To add a new share click +NEW in the right-hand corner

  1. Choose from the drop-down the agent or admin that you want to share your contacts with

  1. Select the preferences of the share: Can the user create/update/delete information

  1. Click Save to save your changes
For more information, Click here